уторак, 23. јун 2020.

THE "MOUNDZA", mail art project 2020, Greece


MOUNDZA is a widespread insulting gesture in Greece. The Ministry of Education in Greece announces that visual arts and music lessons in secondary schools are completely BAN, insulting teacher s' work, student s' wishes and Greek culture. They are saying goodbye to the hands of the attached art teachers... They deprive students of the necessary education, for the understanding of their personality, their aesthetic cultivation, the development of their perceptive capacity, the development of creative thinking and training Spiritual and emotional of his personality. If you want to protest with Greek art teachers, create your ''MOUNDZA'' and email: mariart_x@yahoo.gr mentioning your name and country. All MOUNDZAS received will be printed on A4 and displayed at our protest. Deadline 20/6/2020 at 24:00.


Akril na kartonu; format A 4
Autor: Nadica Janić, Srbija

Redni broj rada 71

na sastanku nastavnika umetnosti u Školi likovnih umetnosti, 20. 06. 2020.

"MOUNDZA" e-mail art projekat - protest

Umetnost je suštinska potreba čoveka što potvrđuju prvi crteži Čoveka u pećinama. Želja da se izrazi i prenese poruka drugima samo je kroz umetnost ljudska i plemenita... Onemogućiti likovno i muzičko obrazovanje mladih ljudi je greh današljeg vremena. Stvarati čoveka konzumenta, poslušnika, ogoljenog od emocija je cilj novog svetskog poretka - demonske sile, nevidljive a sveprisutne. Dobro uvek pobeđuje. Kreativnost nema granice i ništa je ne može sputavati. 

Nadica Janić

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